Friday, January 4, 2008

Dumpster Diving for Profit

Yes it is true! One person's garbage is another's treasure. For hundreds of years people have been profiting from other's "Junk" that had either been thrown away or sold at garage sales and flea markets. This small article will hopefully give you some creative ideas which could put thousands of dollars in your pockets for absolutely no cost. There are two major forms of diving:

1. Dumpster Diving Dumpster diving is the act of taking "thrown away" items from or around a garbage. The act is legal in many states and is how many entrepreneurs create their fortunes on E-bay.

2. Curbing Curbing is like dumpster diving except instead of going into a public garbage or recycling bin, the "freeloader" takes the "thrown away" items from the curbs in front of people's houses.

What items can be found? If you were to go to a public garbage or curb, you can find many valuable items. Many of the items people throw away are in perfect condition. Not only that, most of the great items are left right next to the dumpster. Items include: Furniture, bicycles, magazines, televisions, computers, radios, cd's and tapes, early generation Ipods, wires, jewelry, etc.....

Many dumpster divers know when the local pharmacies and stores take out their trash and wait to gather some never been opened items that have either expired, have been dented, or have not sold well. Most convenient stores throw out their magazines and newspapers. Everything in the magazine is in tact except for the cover.

What's the Purpose? There are many purposes to dumpster dive or to curb. For some, it's a sport. For some, it's a way to get their food for the week. For many, it's a business.

Many entrepreneurs know exactly when the garbage trucks in their areas are going to come. So, they will write out charts and maps to travel the towns as quickly as possible collecting as many treasures as they can. On a good day, it is possible to gather thousands of dollars of furniture and electronics.

How to earn a living as a dumpster diver? If you want to earn money as a dumpster diver it is important to do a lot of reading and research. You need to understand the legalities of your area so you are not arrested. And, you need to know what tools and strategies you need to make the job easier.

Once you have done the research it is important to scope the area for a few weeks and notice the materials people are throwing away and seeing what times of day has the most items for collecting. Doing research in advance can help you formulate a business plan.

Next, you will need to practice for a month or two. Practice is necessary to get over the initial embarrassment stage. Sometimes, as a diver, you will spot a great item, but, be to frightened to take it because people are watching. You will get over the fear after you realize that every item you collect can be worth a lot of money.

Through all your practice and success in collecting, you should at least have enough materials to run a garage sale. It is possible for someone to see one of the items they threw away. When they ask, say, "Oh, I have had this for years". Then, give a knowing chuckle.

Finally. If you have success selling these items at a garage sale, you can try newspaper ads, internet ads, and of course on-line auctions. It is always good to try to find a partner. Sometimes you will need help carrying or loading equipment.

I wish you the best of luck on your future ventures.

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